Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Deer, Barn floors, and Donkeys

These beautiful deer are always in our front yard/field in the mornings and late afternoons. This was one morning last week as we were leaving for school and I just happened to get a picture.

This is what Brian and I did to the new barn floor over the weekend. I love it!

This is only a part of the beauty that I see on my drive to work and back. Who would have ever thought that a baby donkey could be so cute?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Catch up

Well, we have been out of touch for a while. My mom became very ill last week and had to be hospitalized for 5 days. She is now home and doing somewhat better. The barn was finished early last week. (See pictures below.) I am so thankful, and cannot wait to start moving things from the garage and attic over to the barn. The boys both have basketball practice at different times every afternoon, so much of the second half of my days are running back and fourth to school. But now that we have a few things out of the way, we can start thinking about our up coming trip to Disney!!!