Monday, June 23, 2008

Kenny Chesney

Last week, Thomas had his last major league baseball game in Spring Hill, Closing Ceremonies, and the end of the year party for the team (complete with pizza and awards).

Now the Santa Fe summer baseball league has started up and guess who is the sponsor of our team?


The dad of one of the boys on our team plays in Kenny Chesney's band, so they are sponsoring our team. The boys were very excited!

Last Friday night was our 2nd game, and Thomas hit a home run and won the game (7-6)!

Monday, June 16, 2008

After 25 years, IT'S OVER!

What a sad day for our family this past Saturday!

This was Brian's baby back in the 80's.

This was in the 90's.

This was last Saturday. (Even the dog was sad!)

We all said our "goodbyes" and shed a tear or two.

Take good care of it, PC!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My new addiction

"Jon & Kate plus 8" on Monday Nights (TLC Channel) and throughout each day at different times. Check them out at

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Little bit of everything

HELLO SUMMER TIME! Thank you Cheryl and Jerry. We are enjoying the pool soooo much!

HEY, HEY, HAY........

Sweet Kitties! (Well not so for the one in the back who, along with his dog friend, wiped out a batch of baby bunnies the other morning! Bad, Bad, kitty!)

Thomas on third base, after he hit a triple, in his SH game the other night.

Look! We have blueberries!

"Synchronized Swimming", No - "Synchronized Basketball". Is there such a thing?

Brian oldest ride! (Will he ever just let it go?) He has had it FOREVER!

Brian's newest ride. This was his Daddy's truck.