Monday, August 25, 2008

Photos by Thomas

This past Spring, Taylor got a new digital camera for his birthday so Thomas inherited Taylor's older digital camera. I thought I would post a few of his pictures that I find were very interesting. (Just don't look at the dates on the actual photos. They are incorrect.)

These two photos of the rainbow were taken tonight.

I think he does a very good job, he just needs to correct the date on his camera.

Day 3

Due to the weather, there was no work done on the barn today,

but we did get this delivery...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Evening walks, barn building, and more.....

First, I have to tell you that blogger must have heard my sad story and felt sorry for me because even though we still can only get dial-up here in the country, I am NOW able to almost, instantly upload my pictures to blogger.
So, here are many photos from the past two weeks.

These are from our evening walks that we have been taking together as a family and taking advantage of the slightly cooler weather. This is a country road with many beautiful sites.

That is Thomas up ahead of me.

Beautiful, old stone wall.
Love the arch of the trees.

BZZZZZZZZZZZ! This is a tree that sits directly by the road and if you are not careful you could walk right into a bee cloud. Every night when we pass by, you can hear the entire tree buzzing!

Oh dear - deer!

This is along the creek.

And this was tonight on the way back home.

Now for some Barn Building....
We have been wanting to add a barn since we built the house and moved in. Now the time is finally here. Here is the site before barn.

Then this morning, the barn crew arrived EARLY (and we did not expect them today) and got started.
Day 1.

Tonight, playing around outside before dinner.
You know this is my sweet dog, Zaida. I don't have to tell you that I LOVE this dog! (My husband and oldest son are sooooo tired of hearing this!)

I love the big birds that fly over.

This is Thomas trying to jump up to touch the net. I love that he has his tongue hanging out!

We also found a baby bat on the front porch last week. It was dead! But very cute! Did not take a picture.
Then tonight Thomas noticed that the cat and dog had something cornered in the garage. I went to scoop what ever it was out as I am used to this by now. Since we have moved in a little over a year and a half ago, I have scooped out numerous frogs (big and small), multiple lizards, a blue jay, a hummingbird, many little mice, and now as of tonight.... a little raccoon! He was scared, but so cute. We got the big garage door up and scooted him right out and he scoured back up into the woods. I did not get a good picture of him. Maybe next time!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

End of baseball season

Last night was the last game for the summer SF baseball league.

Evan and Thomas.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

End of Summer Vacation

This is what we have been doing in the past two weeks.

Last week, my nieces, Amanda and Jessica, who live across the gully, came over. We took them to see the new Batman movie (which was very good). Later that night, we made pizzas and Chex party mix (at their request). We watched another movie on DVD, ate the pizza and party mix, and played games. Thomas played the keyboard for us, and their was just alot of silly business going on! They spent the night, and the next day Amanda went home to study for her College classes and Jessica went to Cool Springs with us.

Amanda and Jessica making Chex party mix.

Then this week, we had the other niece and nephew over. Evan and Emily. They came home from school registration with us. We went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and had lots of fun! Then to the book store to buy books for all. Grabbed some Icee's on the way home. We had Poppy Seed Chicken for dinner (Evan's favorite) and they too, spent the night with us. We ended the fun with swimming in the pool.

This is Evan in the pool.

Evan, with his prize from Chuck E Cheese.

Thomas, Evan, and Emily at Chuck E Cheese.

Yes, Taylor went with us but he does not like for me to post his picture on the blog....