Saturday, October 14, 2006

Week 10

Friday, October 13, 2006

Wow! It is amazing how different it looks after the sheet rock was put up!

This is the dining room, and looking across to the office door on the other side.

This is the breakfast area.

This is looking into the kitchen, and on the other side is the door to the dining room.

This is the den with the vaulted ceiling.

Looking in the other direction across the den to the kitchen and breakfast area.

One side of the bonus room with attic storage access, and a wonderfully large walk in closet to the right (Thanks - Randy!)!

Other side of bonus room.

Back side of house. You can see on the right hand side where they have started the siding.

Week 9

Friday, October 1, 2006
These turkeys are crossing "Turkey Creek Road"!

Wednesday, October 4, 2006.

Insulation and fire place insert.